The Father Spoke:
Come Child, let us journey together.
Where shall we go Father?
To a distant land, another kingdom.
So the journey will be long?
Yes, we must travel everyday.
When will we reach our destination?
At the end of our days.
And who will accompany us?
Joy and Sorrow.
Must Sorrow travel with us?
Yes, She is necessary to keep you close to Me.
But I want only joy.
It is only with Sorrow that you will know true Joy.
What must I bring?
A willing heart to follow me.
What shall I do on this journey?
There is only one thing that you must do-stay close to Me. Let nothing distract you. Always keep your eyes on me.
And what will I see?
You will see My glory.
And what will I know?
You will know my heart.
The Father stretched out His hand. The child, knowing the great love her Father had for her, placed her hand in His and began her journey.
As I sit here and write, the wind that was pushing the leaves around our small town has died down to a qiuet breeze. How I love Fall!
I'm typing as fast as I can go, trying to write my thoughts out before Youth Group starts. My husband is already at the church and can't take a break to come eat so I'm bringing some food over. I just realized I had the wrong burner on, so now I'm not sure if I'll even have supper. This is a typical Friday night. Sometimes I wonder why I signed up for this, until I get there and start throwing foam balls at the teens, laugh and talk with them, or laugh at them which is usually the case. Then it all comes back to me!
When I was younger I heard that when you give your life to God, you never know what to expect. He will take it and could do terrible things with it. You know, like the story of Job? So I decided when I heard that, that I wasn't ready to tell God to take my whole life. In fact, God, why don't you give me a long time to decide? I did of course give God my life, all of it. And things haven't exactly worked out the way I've planned, but surprisingly, when bad things have happened to me and my loved ones, it's only made my walk with God stronger and as such, given me more joy. How is that possible? It's because of HIS incredible grace and strength. It amazes me every day.
I never wanted to marry a Pastor. In fact, I wanted to marry a Farmer. My husband likes to remind me of that whenever I squeal when I see a spider, or cautiously step inside a barn. A farmer huh? He laughs. I remember telling my friend I would marry anyone but a Pastor, that's the one thing God would never subject me too. I'm sure God was laughing at me then too.
I was terrified of Jordan's church when I started dating him, for the sake of those church goers who are reading this, I still am. Every week. =) And when we were engaged I was terrified of what that meant. Youth Pastor's wife. Ok God, I'm trusting You with this because You know I'm the last person who should be given that job.
Life doesn't turn out the way you think it will, the way you plan. So plan on that. The good news is, it turns out even better if you have your hope and trust in Jesus Christ!!
Even though I never wanted this life, I wake up every morning marveling at the fact that I get to live this life one more day!
Some days don't turn out the way I hoped they would, I argue with my husband, I really really don't want to clean the bathroom, I forget something important or let someone down. So why do I keep going? What's my secret and the secret of every one who believes and puts their hope in Jesus? When I was studying over in Austria at age 19, I went through the Bible and wrote down promises that I read. OK, so I went through a FEW books of the Bible and saw so many of His promises that I stopped writing them down, there are so many! God loves each one of His children so much.
Bellow are some of what I found 4 years ago.
Sometimes life hurts. It seems to choke you with despair, regret, past bitterness, present pain and future fear. I will never leave you or forsake you. It can be overwhelming to juggle all life hands you, stress comes no matter how hard you try to keep it at bay. Come all you who are weary and I will give you rest. Tears come when life doesn't go the way we planned. He gathers you in His arms. People close to us betray us. I will fight for you, you need only to be still. We don't belong. I am your Father. Cruelty comes from those we barely know. I take up your infirmities. We fight back with selfishness, thinking that because we have suffered we deserve more. Sin is not your master because you are under grace. We look at others and covet what they have, how they act, how they look. I am enthralled by your beauty. Other's have it all together, why would God choose me? I choose the weak things to shame the strong. We feel used up, beaten down and pushed around. You are my treasure. Somedays we wake up and frown at the mirror, we go throughout the day thinking of how ugly we are. You are without blemish. New things in life scare us, things that may happen to our loved ones, to the life we have now. Do not be afraid for I am with you. We laugh at our dreams and if we don't, others do. With God nothing is impossible. We are selfish. Give and it will be given to you. We think God is against us, that He wants to hurt us. I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. How can a God who is way up in heaven care about anything that goes on in my life? Do not worry, I will take care of you. Life scares us. Do not fear for I am with you. Evil surrounds us. No one can snatch you out of my hand. Peace seems just out of reach. I leave you my peace. Burdens are too hard to bear. I carry your sorrows. We feel all alone. I will be with you, to the very end of the age. We make mistakes. I am wonderful in counsel and magnificent in wisdom. Trouble is never far. In this world you will have trouble, but take heart! I have overcome the world! We are weak. Those who hope in Me will renew their strength. No one is there to help us. My help comes from the Lord. The task of being a Christian is too overwhelming. Whoever loses their life for my sake will find it. We become impatient waiting for the future. Be still, and wait for the Lord. You have no idea what I have done! You are justified freely by my grace. God will never forgive me, you say. I long to be gracious to you. How am I supposed to lose my life? All I ask is for you to do what you can, I will do the rest. What's so amazing about giving God my life? I have come that you might have life, and have it to the full. How do we know He won't forget us? My unfailing love for you will not be shaken.
Let God take your life and see where He leads you. I promise it will be the most excited journey you will ever be on! Look at me, I've snagged myself a hot husband who occasionally does the dishes and promises me lots of children. I know our life will never be easy, it hasn't been easy already and we aren't even four months in! But it will be more rich than all the wealth in the world, because Jesus is taking our hands and leading us on this journey. The journey with Joy and Sorrow.

Come Child, let us journey together.
Where shall we go Father?
To a distant land, another kingdom.
So the journey will be long?
Yes, we must travel everyday.
When will we reach our destination?
At the end of our days.
And who will accompany us?
Joy and Sorrow.
Must Sorrow travel with us?
Yes, She is necessary to keep you close to Me.
But I want only joy.
It is only with Sorrow that you will know true Joy.
What must I bring?
A willing heart to follow me.
What shall I do on this journey?
There is only one thing that you must do-stay close to Me. Let nothing distract you. Always keep your eyes on me.
And what will I see?
You will see My glory.
And what will I know?
You will know my heart.
The Father stretched out His hand. The child, knowing the great love her Father had for her, placed her hand in His and began her journey.
As I sit here and write, the wind that was pushing the leaves around our small town has died down to a qiuet breeze. How I love Fall!
I'm typing as fast as I can go, trying to write my thoughts out before Youth Group starts. My husband is already at the church and can't take a break to come eat so I'm bringing some food over. I just realized I had the wrong burner on, so now I'm not sure if I'll even have supper. This is a typical Friday night. Sometimes I wonder why I signed up for this, until I get there and start throwing foam balls at the teens, laugh and talk with them, or laugh at them which is usually the case. Then it all comes back to me!
When I was younger I heard that when you give your life to God, you never know what to expect. He will take it and could do terrible things with it. You know, like the story of Job? So I decided when I heard that, that I wasn't ready to tell God to take my whole life. In fact, God, why don't you give me a long time to decide? I did of course give God my life, all of it. And things haven't exactly worked out the way I've planned, but surprisingly, when bad things have happened to me and my loved ones, it's only made my walk with God stronger and as such, given me more joy. How is that possible? It's because of HIS incredible grace and strength. It amazes me every day.
I never wanted to marry a Pastor. In fact, I wanted to marry a Farmer. My husband likes to remind me of that whenever I squeal when I see a spider, or cautiously step inside a barn. A farmer huh? He laughs. I remember telling my friend I would marry anyone but a Pastor, that's the one thing God would never subject me too. I'm sure God was laughing at me then too.
I was terrified of Jordan's church when I started dating him, for the sake of those church goers who are reading this, I still am. Every week. =) And when we were engaged I was terrified of what that meant. Youth Pastor's wife. Ok God, I'm trusting You with this because You know I'm the last person who should be given that job.
Life doesn't turn out the way you think it will, the way you plan. So plan on that. The good news is, it turns out even better if you have your hope and trust in Jesus Christ!!
Even though I never wanted this life, I wake up every morning marveling at the fact that I get to live this life one more day!
Some days don't turn out the way I hoped they would, I argue with my husband, I really really don't want to clean the bathroom, I forget something important or let someone down. So why do I keep going? What's my secret and the secret of every one who believes and puts their hope in Jesus? When I was studying over in Austria at age 19, I went through the Bible and wrote down promises that I read. OK, so I went through a FEW books of the Bible and saw so many of His promises that I stopped writing them down, there are so many! God loves each one of His children so much.
Bellow are some of what I found 4 years ago.
Sometimes life hurts. It seems to choke you with despair, regret, past bitterness, present pain and future fear. I will never leave you or forsake you. It can be overwhelming to juggle all life hands you, stress comes no matter how hard you try to keep it at bay. Come all you who are weary and I will give you rest. Tears come when life doesn't go the way we planned. He gathers you in His arms. People close to us betray us. I will fight for you, you need only to be still. We don't belong. I am your Father. Cruelty comes from those we barely know. I take up your infirmities. We fight back with selfishness, thinking that because we have suffered we deserve more. Sin is not your master because you are under grace. We look at others and covet what they have, how they act, how they look. I am enthralled by your beauty. Other's have it all together, why would God choose me? I choose the weak things to shame the strong. We feel used up, beaten down and pushed around. You are my treasure. Somedays we wake up and frown at the mirror, we go throughout the day thinking of how ugly we are. You are without blemish. New things in life scare us, things that may happen to our loved ones, to the life we have now. Do not be afraid for I am with you. We laugh at our dreams and if we don't, others do. With God nothing is impossible. We are selfish. Give and it will be given to you. We think God is against us, that He wants to hurt us. I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. How can a God who is way up in heaven care about anything that goes on in my life? Do not worry, I will take care of you. Life scares us. Do not fear for I am with you. Evil surrounds us. No one can snatch you out of my hand. Peace seems just out of reach. I leave you my peace. Burdens are too hard to bear. I carry your sorrows. We feel all alone. I will be with you, to the very end of the age. We make mistakes. I am wonderful in counsel and magnificent in wisdom. Trouble is never far. In this world you will have trouble, but take heart! I have overcome the world! We are weak. Those who hope in Me will renew their strength. No one is there to help us. My help comes from the Lord. The task of being a Christian is too overwhelming. Whoever loses their life for my sake will find it. We become impatient waiting for the future. Be still, and wait for the Lord. You have no idea what I have done! You are justified freely by my grace. God will never forgive me, you say. I long to be gracious to you. How am I supposed to lose my life? All I ask is for you to do what you can, I will do the rest. What's so amazing about giving God my life? I have come that you might have life, and have it to the full. How do we know He won't forget us? My unfailing love for you will not be shaken.
Let God take your life and see where He leads you. I promise it will be the most excited journey you will ever be on! Look at me, I've snagged myself a hot husband who occasionally does the dishes and promises me lots of children. I know our life will never be easy, it hasn't been easy already and we aren't even four months in! But it will be more rich than all the wealth in the world, because Jesus is taking our hands and leading us on this journey. The journey with Joy and Sorrow.
Powerful promises! God is good. And we miss you guys :(
ReplyDeleteThank you so much. This is exactly what I needed to read...He spoke through you straight to my heart. Like a punch in the gut (of the best kind!). Thank you!