Sunday, 4 December 2011

Hug a Pastor's Wife

I haven't written in a while. Mostly because I don't know where to start, or what to write. Even now I have no idea what word will come next.
Our life is so full right now, but I am once again broken. Do you ever feel that way? Right now I am listening to a song and this is what I hear- "When I'm broken, scared by sin, death gives way to life again. when I suffer, when I'm down, in YOU I'm free, in YOU I'm found." (You're Not Shaken by Phil Stacey)
Isn't it funny how God works?
My help comes from the Lord.
I have been realizing how completely incapable I am to do this "job" of a Pastor's Wife. In fact I sometimes detest it. (shock!) It's lonely. It's tiring. It's discouraging. It's annoying. It's heart breaking. It's busy. It's draining. Did I mention it's lonely?
I never thought I would write that in this blog. In my nightmares I can see the people in our church reading it and pulling me aside. Writing this must mean I'm really crazy.
The fact is, our church is wonderful, most of the people are wonderful and I feel so blessed to be serving there.
But another fact? No matter what church a Pastor and Pastor's wife serve at, it will ALWAYS be discouraging and draining and lonely at some point.
Why is that? Why Lord?
Because people are lonely, and discouraging, annoying, busy and draining. Anyone who works with people or is a person knows that!
I have always had the dream to work overseas. Specifically to work at or start an orphanage. I long to look after orphans and widows in their distress as the last few verses of James tell us perfect 'religion' is. Maybe God has that in our future, I don't know. What I do know is, we are called to be in this little town on the prairies, and that is where we will be till God calls us elsewhere. Orphans and widows, people in need, are not only overseas. but right here. I long to be His hands and feet, to say YES to God daily for whatever He asks. I need to remind myself of that so often! Satan seeks to kill and destroy, especially those who know the Lord is their hope and I will not let him do that to me or my husband.
I'm sorry if my thoughts don't make sense, I am writing from somewhere deep down that even I don't understand. I am slowly starting to grasp my role as my Husbands helper. And I am in no means wanting sympathy. Our life is so full remember? And rich. I am blessed beyond measure.
We were told by a dear friend that ministry during your first year of marriage is not the smartest idea and I now see why. At the time I said that if we weren't doing this, we would be doing some other kind of ministry for that is where our hearts are! And it's true. But every now and then I am reminded of that conversation and have a very different response in mind.
It is crazy, our schedule is WAY too busy for a first year of marriage. But I have resolved never to be that person that when asked how I am I always respond with "So busy!" And then talk for twenty minutes about why to the poor person who asked.
Life will always be busy. I would much rather have it busy then sit around doing nothing, I have been there and will take this life over that one any day.
So, what am I trying to say in this pathetic post? Life is not rosy as a Youth Pastor's wife, it's busy and sometimes heart breaking but it is RICH in all things good. There is never a dull moment.
Could you do something for me though? The next time you see your Pastors wife, give her a hug. Heaven knows she needs it.


  1. What a heartfelt post, a very good read and reminder about what the life of a Pastor's wife is. You are an amazing, strong woman and God has a plan for your life. I wish you were here so I could hug and encourage you..

  2. Oh you sweet darling!
    Thank you, as always, for your beautiful transparency. Your posts are treasures and I want to make a book out of your blog! I also love your choice of background--so vintage chic!

    Your post: wow my dear. THANK YOU!!! We are so in need of Him always, aren't we? And I think when we encounter any trials, troubles, or "tryings" of ANY kind, it is such a special opportunity to cast our cares upon Him and pause and acknowledge that He will GIVE US MORE THAN WE CAN HANDLE so that we will look not to ourselves, but to HIM, who is able. To Him who is the Great and personal "I AM" :)
    Thank you for sharing your heart... And for being an example to look up to because of Christ in you, hope of glory!
    You aren't my only dear sweet friend who is a pastor's wife... And yes, you women have a unique set of tests and refining encounters because of your role as a wife and in the church...
    Do you have one or two precious mentors (besides your lovely and wise Mum) who can encourage you and build you up and talk straight to you? :)
    I know you're pouring out of yourself and serving all those in need, but are you being blessed by someone who is investing in you?
    Loving you prayerfully from Vernon and looking forward to each and every post that you write! Don't stop writing your thoughts down... Who knows what treasures He will bring forth from your willingness to be GENUINE!
    You have certainly blessed me and reminded me of so many truths.
    Hugs and a kiss on the cheek~
    P.S. Can we all agree that the OT law for men to literally take one year off to please their new wives and just adjust to married life was an absolutely FABULOUS rule that should 100% apply today!? haha
    Praying you and Jordan are fighting hard for purposeful and spontaneous times just the TWO OF YOU to study Scripture, tickle one another, giggle till it hurts, make meals together, go for walk, dream out loud, etc :)

    God's continued blessings in abundance on your marriage and life as a chosen daughter of the King of Kings !
    So jealous of everyone who gets to live close to you... I miss you loads and heaps, girl! Reading your blog helps me feel closer to you :)

    Oh! And I am SO with you on the desire to start or at least join in with an orphanage overseas... And to serve widows as well... That portion of James was always a favorite for me. And I'm so glad we both seek out the orphans and widows in our communities. Please join me in prayer for those I'm in contact with. I am so incapable and fall short of ministering to them adequately or helping them... But I know the Holy Spirit can use even a donkey and bush to speak through :)
    And there is a huge "group" of people... those who are SICK physically/mentally/relationally/spiritually that are in our life, and Justin and I continue to give counsel and sometimes that looks like just listening and being silent while still being attentive. Anyways, can you pray for us with that as we pray for you and Jordan in your ministry?
    Thank you!!!

  3. Thank you Ladies! I wish you were all here with me!
    Christa, Jordan said- wow, Christa wrote a blog about your blog. =) It made me laugh. Thank you for doing so, your words are always a treasure! I have been wanting a mentor for a while because I know I need one, but haven't found one in our area yet. I would love for Jordan and I to have a couple mentor us! That is what I pray for.
    And yes, the Isrealites had it right! Though God has called us to this for a purpose and reason at the beginning of our marriage and so I hold on to Him who knows all and loves me unconditionally. His purpose will prevail in our lives!
    I will be praying for your ministry as well Christa, you have such an impact! Sometimes I think those who aren't employed with the church have a greater impact on the unsaved. But Jordan and I will not fall into that mould.
    Now there I've gone and written a blog again. =)
    Love you ladies! Thank you for your encouragement and friendship.
