Friday, 27 January 2012


I have a weakness. I have a lot of weaknesses, but I want to talk about this one in particular. CRAFTS! I would rather be doing crafts, making cards, scrap booking, painting, than almost anything else in the world!

My Husband is also very creative and constantly gives me ideas. Here is one of them that I made yesterday. I hesitate to post it because well, everyone else may think it's ugly but I decided to step out on a limb and do something scary! I try to do something scary everyday, here is today's.

I bought some bamboo at Ikea for $2.00 each and didn't want to buy more pots to plant them, so Jordan told me what i would need.

A yogurt container with lid, scissors, glue, thin rope or twine and potting dirt.
Not pictured- a laptop or TV with one of your favourite shows on, or favourite music playing.
This is a must.
Start by cutting off the top of the yogurt container, you don't have to, but I thought it would be easier. Then start gluing the rope or twine on to the top and keep going around in a spiral like motion. Ignore the wire, I was going to make handles but it didn't work. =)
Keep going...
And going...
...This is why you want the show or music, this craft takes a very long time.
Once it's completely covered with rope or twine, poke holes in the bottom and set it aside. Grab the yogurt lid and do what you want with it, I wrapped the rope around the outside.
Once the lid is finished, place the dirt inside and the plant. Before you water it (which should be right away) make sure the lid is underneath!
VOILA! Potted plants that cost less than $10.00! I know it's not the most elegant thing, but if you, like us, are trying to save money while decorating the house and having fun with it then I would recommend this craft!
Bamboo is a lot of fun and doesn't need direct sun light which is what we need in this house! Especially in the winter. I hope you enjoyed!


  1. Not the most elegant!?!? I love it! Great idea. We're totally in the same stage of trying to save money, and using what we have. I will definitely give this a try!

  2. I think that looks amazing and it becomes even more special since you made it. Great job Rachael!!!
